Monday 20 June 2011

Movie Poster

"Without Richard Parker, I wouldn't be alive today to tell you my story."(Martel 182)
Movie Poster

In our second piece we decided to create a movie poster in the way we would think Life of Pi would be represented. Are quote is when Pi says "Without Richard Parker, I wouldn't be alive today to tell you my story"(Martel 182). We found that this quote best describes Pi’s journey because it is when he decides that he needed Richard Parker and if it were not for him he would not have had the will to survive. Our movie poster consists of Pi in the life boat with a sunset.

Pi is the only one in the boat because Kurt and I feel that Richard Parker is not really there. We believe that Pi and Richard Parker are the same mammal. We believe that Richard Parker is the animal of Pi. We are foreshadowing the story for people who would see this film, by showing that Pi is actually on the boat himself without anybody else. This leaves our audience to interpret this in their own way. We have the sunset orange to represent Pi’s will to survive. The orange is also representing Hinduism, the blue water is representing Christianity and the green is Islam. We wanted to try and represent all of Pi’s beliefs into our movie poster.

Sunday 19 June 2011


“Both the zebra and the Taiwanese sailor broke a leg, did you notice that? And hyena bit off the zebra’s leg just as the cook cut off the sailor’s” (Martel 345).


In our first piece, we used the quote when the Japanese men said “Both the zebra and the Taiwanese sailor broke a leg, did you notice that? And hyena bit off the zebra’s leg just as the cook cut off the sailor’s” (Martel 345). Our picture is representing the comparisons of Pi and Richard Parker; which reflects our quote. This is reflecting our quote by contrasting the two different stories that Pi tells to the Japanese men from the Ministry of Transportation. At this point in the story Pi has finished telling both versions of his story. The Japanese men are starting to compare the stories and the many similarities that are within both the stories. They notice that the sailor must be the zebra and that the hyena must be the cook. Kurt and I started to compare the other characters and noticed that the only two characters that were not counted for were Pi and Richard Parker. We came to the conclusion that Pi and Richard Parker are the same Character.

            After we came to this conclusion we decided to morph Pi and Richard Parker together. We wanted to show that Pi and Richard Parker are in fact the same person we used orange in the background to represent survival as well as the colours of a tiger. We have two outlines in our piece, one is of a boy and the other of a tiger this is to show the two mammals we used to create our main picture. The reason we put half boy half tiger is because Pi isn’t just a boy but not just an animal he is a mixture which is clearly evident in our piece.  We hope that our audience will interpret the twos similarities and differences.